Full FAA Chronology at this link.
19630420: FAA commissioned the Albuquerque air traffic control center’s new building on this date. Other new center buildings commissioned during 1963 included: Washington at Leesburg, Va., on April 28 (FAA held formal dedication ceremonies on June 15) and Miami on September 2.
19780420: FAA proposed a new and much higher schedule of user fees for certificating airmen and for aircraft registrations. The agency based the proposal on an existing government policy, contained in a statute of 1952, that individuals or groups receiving special services from Federal agencies should pay their cost. In 1967, FAA had proposed a new fee schedule, but withdrew the proposal after the General Accounting Office pointed out that it did not entirely meet the costs of the services supplied. The April 1978 proposal encountered considerable opposition from within the aviation community, and Congress adopted legislation prohibiting FAA from implementing the proposed fees without prior congressional approval. FAA withdrew the proposal on May 8, 1981, stating that the data on which it was based were no longer valid.