
This Day in FAA History: May 5th

Full FAA Chronology at this link.
19300505: The Post Office Department, hoping to stimulate air passenger traffic, issued an order calling for the installation of at least two passenger seats in each mail plane operated by day.
19550505: An agreement between the United States and Canada provided for the construction and operation of a new distant early warning (DEW) radar defense line in northern Canada.
19610505: Navy aeronauts Malcolm Ross and Victor Prather set a balloon high altitude record of 113,740 feet while testing space suits developed for use by Project Mercury astronauts. They landed as planned in the Gulf of Mexico, but Prather drowned during the recovery phase of the operation.
19690505: FAA announced the establishment of two new engineering and manufacturing district offices–one in Kansas City, Mo., and one in Chicago–bringing the nationwide total of such offices to 21. From these offices, FAA’s manufacturing inspectors worked with companies and individuals seeking certification or approval of airframes, aircraft engines, propellers, parts, or appliances for use in civil aviation.
19760505: The United States, France, and the United Kingdom concluded an agreement providing for the monitoring of ozone levels in the stratosphere and cooperation to ensure that the ozone layer was not degraded by emissions from supersonic transports. (See February 4, 1976, and September 23, 1977.)
19830505: All three engines of an Eastern Air Lines L-1011 failed over the Atlantic, but the pilot restarted one engine and landed safely at Miami. The cause of the incident was oil loss due to mechanics’ failure to install O-ring seals.
19850505: Administrator Engen and other FAA officials arrived in Beijing on a mission to foster closer cooperation between the U.S. and China in aviation matters. On August 28, 1985, Transportation Secretary Dole announced that the two countries were working together for a mutual exchange of information, research, and experts for further development of their transportation systems. The Secretary made the announcement in Beijing during a trip to China with her husband, Senator Robert Dole (R-Kan.). (See March 15, 1986)
19890505: FAA’s National Data Interchange Network 1A (NADIN 1A) became fully operational, supplanting several independent communications networks with a single, efficient means of transmitting weather and flight plan data. The agency had originally contracted for the system in November 1980. On March 31, 1995, FAA commissioned an upgraded version designated NADIN II.
20080505: FAA issued an advisory circular (AC 120-96) highlighting the best practices for use by helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) operators in establishing their control centers and training their specialists. (See November 14, 2008.)
20140505: FAA announced the University of Alaska’s UAS test site was the second of six to become operational. FAA granted the University of Alaska Fairbanks a certificate of waiver or authorization authorizing flights by an Aeryon Scout small UAS for animal surveys at its Pan-Pacific UAS test range complex in Fairbanks. The COA was effective for two years. The team began the wildlife flight operations on this date. (See April 21, 2014; June 9, 2014.)
20200505: FAA issued its 12th spaceport license to the Titusville-Cocoa Airport Authority allowing for commercial space launches from the Space Coast Regional Airport in Titusville, Florida. (See August 17, 2020; December 20, 2021.)
20200505: FAA announced the selection of eight companies to assist the agency in establishing requirements for future suppliers of Remote Identification (Remote ID). Remote ID would enable unmanned aircraft systems to provide identification and location information while operating in the nation’s airspace. The companies selected included: Airbus; AirMap; Amazon; Intel; One Sky; Skyward; T-Mobile; and Wing. FAA selected the companies through a Request for Information process, which began in December 2018. (See December 26, 2019; December 28, 2020.)
20210505: FAA announced it had added space launch activity areas to the navigation charts used by pilots who fly visually. The agency now represented all 12 FAA-licensed spaceports, and other federal and private launch and reentry sites, on the charts by a rocket symbol. These areas were in Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia. Pilots could download the free charts and reference FAA’s Aeronautical Chart User’s Guide for more information.