Full FAA Chronology at this link.
19380729: Pan American’s Hawaii Clipper disappeared between Guam and Manila, and searchers failed to find a trace of the aircraft. The frequency of transpacific service was reduced as a result of the clipper’s loss.
19480729: Approval of a CAA mission to Venezuela brought the number operating in South America to four. In order of their establishment, they included missions to Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, and Venezuela.
19630729: FAA Administrator Halaby announced the appointment of Gordon M. Bain to the new position of Deputy Administrator for Supersonic Transport Development. Bain was to head the organization within the FAA charged with overall responsibility for the Federal-industry program to develop a commercial supersonic transport (SST) aircraft. A division-level organization had previously handled the agency’s role in the feasibility and research phase of the program, which was conducted jointly with NASA and the Defense Department. (See June 5, 1963, August 15, 1963, and September 15, 1965.)
19820729: FAA certificated the Bell 222B, the first transport category helicopter certificated for single-pilot instrument flight rules (IFR) operation without stabilization equipment.
19940729: Citing the rapid development of satellite technology (see June 2, 1994), FAA announced cancellation of plans to purchase up to 235 next generation Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) designed for specifically for Category 1 precision approaches. (Category 1 conditions are the least difficult of three categories defining visibility conditions for landing.)
20050729: Effective this date, FAA terminated a program that had assigned controllers, full-time, at the agency headquarters to provide controller liaison and feedback on modernization programs.
20100729: FAA commissioned the airport surface detection equipment-model X (ASDE-X) at Ronald Reagan National Airport. (See October 16, 2008.)
This Day in FAA History: July 29th